Why Sensitivity is a Strength, Not a Weakness
I am Michael Teh.

My purpose is to impart applicative wisdom for
the enlightenment of one’s true self through holistic wellness.
At the age of 33, I transformed from a spiritual seeker
to self-realization and found my life purpose
in teaching and preaching self-realization and wellbeing
through Meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong, and Philosophy.

Peace, calm, & deeply loved
In all my meditation sessions with Michael, I have always felt peace and calm. The energy was expansive and infinite, felt within the openings of my heart. In that moment, I felt deeply loved.
I could sit and meditate for an hour, just basking in the presence of this energy. It was truly something special. So, to my husband, Michael, thank you for waking up the universe in me. I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.
Allyson Yeo
Chief Curator

Love, light, care, and calm
Love, light, care, and calm, these are the magic words that Michael instilled in us ever since he embarks on his journey and mission to enlighten one’s inner and true self. I noticed significant changes in him all for the better, his character, attitude , approach, and patience. As his mum, I am so proud and shall give him all my sincere support and blessings in his endeavour and his calling to help heal Mother Earth.
Elaine Lam
Business Director

More focused and happier
Those quiet moments attending Michael’s guided meditation began to influence my daily life with a feeling of deeper, physical, and mental rests. Clearing my mind and getting a peaceful feeling makes me a calmer, more focused and happier person.
I noticed similar progression in Michael as he embarks on his journey. Anyone can meditate not just spiritual people and it adds more time with control over the mind and benefits are not just stress reduction but much more like improve physical health and being a more productive person.
Yeo Boon Seng
Former Banker

I was introduced to meditation practices thanks to my brother and since then I have been noticing a beautiful transformation of myself, particularly in terms of managing my own emotional well-being. I can handle stress and life mishaps much better than I had before.
Through the many sessions of guided meditations with my brother, I manage to gain a vast understanding on the teachings of spirituality and why is it important for us to start knowing, practicing, and inculcating meditations into our daily life.
Meditation has taught me to perceive life in a positive manner by finding peace and love within yourself, and subsequently spread this loving and kind energy to loved ones around you. I am constantly reminded that everyone is unique and beautiful in their own ways and as we continue practicing love and compassion towards each other, our world would become a better place to live in.
Mable Teh
Capital Market Regulator

Reality vs Spirituality
I have known Michael for more than 20 years, his recent transformation was tremendously surprising to who he has become today – a much happier man, maintaining his usual sense of practicality while making spirituality easy-to-understand and applicable into our daily lives.
We are fighting an internal war every day, reality vs spirituality. Michael has guided me through the understanding of duality in life as well as meditation, that without its balance our life will not be fulfilled and happy.
I’m grateful he planted a beautiful seed into my life journey in Jan 2019, since then miracles, outstanding achievements have been made.
Kelwin Low
Michael’s Friend, Business Manager