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Here are some of my personal stories and teachings that I have penned down on various topics of self-realization, spirituality and wellness. These will help guide you in your journey to awaken to the higher truth and higher potential. Breathe in, relax and take a moment to read these special messages.

Are you ready for your journey towards self-realization?

Why Sensitivity is a Strength, Not a Weakness

We live in a world where sensitivity is often seen as a sign of weakness. It is commonly misunderstood as vulnerability, a fragility that should be hidden or even rejected. Could you imagine that sensitivity is not relegated to the shadows, that it is not

The Map of Consciousness®

What do you understand about consciousness? For me personally, I believe consciousness is like awareness but not really. We become aware through observing ourselves while

Getting to Know Michael Teh

We have always known Michael Teh as the meditation practitioner and a registered yoga teacher who discovered self-realization. Today, we will be exploring the other

Forgiveness Meditation

Very often we are easily consumed over things that are said or done, wishing how we could have responded differently, or wishing life wasn’t how

The Origins of Yoga

In light of celebrating International Day of Yoga this June 21, 2021, I’d like to delve into the origins of where the principles of breathing,

Yoga & Depression

More studies today are using randomized controlled trials to understand the relationship between yoga and depression. And according to the Harvard Mental Health Letter, recent

The Benefits of Meditation

Daily meditation brings many benefits, and there are studies and research being conducted to prove the power of meditation. That said, let us understand better

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is defined as the quality of being connected to one’s inner self. Are you connected to your inner self? And if you’re not sure

Chakra 101

As a continuation from my previous post on explaining what Thymus Chakra is, I would like to share in this blog the types of chakras

Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude is a state of mind where one exudes the feeling of thankfulness, to express appreciation for someone or something and eventually to return such

What is Yoga?

Yoga has been commonly misconstrued as just a form of exercise. However, the ultimate aim of practicing Yoga is to lead the union of an

What is Success?

Don’t we all want to be successful in one way or another? And yes, there are many ways that could lead us to success. Personally,

What is Meditation?

What does meditation mean to you? Do you know that meditation has different effects on each individual who practices it? Personally, through the means of

Part 3: Your Journey

Have you come to a point in life where you’re searching the meaning of life? Do you think life is all about chasing after success and