Stage 5 COVID-19 Survivor Shares How She Overcame the Virus with Mindfulness & Spirituality
What do you do when life decides to throw you a curveball? Many of us would often panic and allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the challenges and struggles that they are facing. In this post, we will read about the testimony and a very personal experience Mable Teh’s encounter with COVID-19 and how meditation and mindfulness gave her the strength to overcome her struggles. It is through attending The Essence of Life workshops conducted by Michael Teh, she was able to cultivate the knowledge of mindfulness and a deeper understanding of spirituality to battle and eventually conquer the virus.
To learn more about her experience battling the virus and overcoming it through mindfulness and spirituality, please continue reading.

“Have you ever reached to a point in life where you find yourself asking what is the meaning of life?”
What do you do when life decides to throw you a curveball? Many of us would often panic and allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the challenges and struggles that they are facing.
In this post, we will read about the testimony and a very personal experience Mable Teh’s encounter with COVID-19 and how meditation and mindfulness gave her the strength to overcome her struggles. It is through attending The Essence of Life workshops conducted by Michael Teh, she was able to cultivate the knowledge of mindfulness and a deeper understanding of spirituality to battle and eventually conquer the virus.
This is her story:
In June 2021, my husband and I were upgraded as parents as we welcome the birth of our daughter. It was a momentous pase for us being first-time parents, however, things did not turn out the way I had hoped for. After merely two weeks after I had given birth, while I was in confinement, I unfortunately contracted COVID-19. My symptoms were more severe as I was still recovering from my delivery.

Initially, I believed I was going to be quarantine at home with the hopes of getting better at home. However, my oxygen level had been hovering below 95% where I was then advised by my physician to get admitted into the hospital to avoid further complication.
Thankfully I made the call to my physician as the night I was admitted to the hospital, I started experiencing breathing difficulty and had to rely on medical equipment for oxygen as my lungs were badly attacked by the virus. That said, my condition quickly deteriorated further, and I was transferred to the ICU for intensive care. Little did I know that my hospital stay lasted for a total of 64 days where 33 days
were spent in the ICU. I was separated from my baby throughout the duration, and no one was allowed to visit me due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
In all honesty, every day spent in the ICU felt like it was never going to end – and despite being supplied oxygen via medical equipment, I was still gasping for air as I couldn’t breathe. There were a lot of tubes all over my body, where one is to draw blood, two for antibiotic drips (one on my neck and the other on my hand) and a bigger tube through my nostril for feeding as I was not able to eat. With multiple medications, I thought my condition would get better, but it did not. Instead, my lungs had collapsed, and I had to be intubated and put on a ventilator.
My rate of recovery was at 50% and being placed on the ventilator was the last resort for the doctors to save my life. At this point in time, it was when I decided to completely surrender myself to the Higher Energy and to accept this ordeal wholeheartedly. With a sincere heart, I
asked for help from my guardian angels, and I trusted that they will help me only if I allow them to.
At the same time, I came to terms that there will be physical pain, sufferings, and challenges such as not being able to eat, not able to breathe normally, not being able to get off bed due to prolonged inactivity – basically not being able to function as usual.
Meanwhile, I have always understood that both pain and recovery are inseparable. As the saying goes, “no pain, no gain”, it is very true as in order for myself to keep on living, I must first overcome the ordeal to survive the battle with COVID-19 and be ready to endure the pain and sufferings associated with it. Throughout the time I was battling the virus, I endured through hellacious pain as well as emotional trauma having to experience my lungs collapsed on three different occasions, multiple panic attacks as I thought I was about to die, an inflamed chest bone and rib cage due to prolonged coughing and a lung surgery to save my collapsed lungs.

By no means I would describe my experience as a pleasant one, but how did I find the strength to endure and eventually overcome it? It is through the knowledge of mindfulness and a deeper understanding of spirituality that I was able to cultivate through attending The Essence of Life workshops conducted by Michael Teh. I believe without it; I will not be able to surrender completely to the Higher Energy to endure my battle with COVID-19. However, as I had gained the knowledge of mindfulness and a deeper understanding of spirituality, I was able to keep calm while accepting what was going on and to trust and have faith that I will win this battle in order to be reunited with my baby and husband.
I kept telling myself that I am not willing to leave them yet and my will to continue living grew stronger and stronger. I describe this as the “power of unconditional love”. I am grateful having to receive so much encouragement from my family as they told me to not give up and leave them behind. And through this bonding of love, it helped me to keep going. Having said that, we need to be mindful to be able to filter the pain and suffering in order to feel love from our loved ones. And because I managed to do so, I trust that I am loved and blessed by the Higher Energy that I would recover from the virus. However, for me to get to where I am in mindfulness and spirituality, it did not happen overnight. I started practicing meditation three years ago, and it has greatly helped me to still my mind, to cultivate inner peace, to understand what unconditional love is by cleansing off blockages (i.e grudges and negativity), and lastly to enhance my spiritual understanding.
Additionally, I strongly believe that, if I did not start on my meditation and spiritual journey, I would have lost the battle to COVID-19. I was very close to death, but I managed to turn it around by gaining control of my life using mindfulness and having complete trust and faith that I will survive and recover. On the day the doctors informed that I could leave the hospital, I was grinning with joy – yet I do know the road to my full recovery is a long way to go as I would still need some form of rehabilitation. On the bright side of things, I am now reunited with
my baby and family.
And as I was leaving the hospital, I whispered to myself “I am so thankful for this body of mine that is powerful enough to endure such ordeal, and I am definitely grateful for this journey that I have just been through.” You may ask, “Why should I be thankful when I have gone through so much pain and sufferings both physically and emotionally?” It is because I know – nothing is permanent, hence the pain won’t be permanent as well, while the wisdom and self-realisations that I have gained throughout, they will last me eons of lifetime.
This is my message to everyone that is to love unconditionally, render kindness, cultivate gratitude, realise your full potential, treasure more and be sincerely happy before life passes you by. Do not wait until the day you are no longer here, only to regret the love that you have never shown.
Mable Teh, 7th November 2021.
Michael Teh is a meditation coach devoted to a personal mission of awakening more people to higher consciousness. He teaches self-realization through meditation, qigong, yoga and philosophy. Michael Teh Signature Workshop: The Essence of Life Series explores meditation as a powerful tool to realize our true potential. Michael has designed multiple workshops in this series to support his participants’ self-realization journey. Workshop Series 1 is currently running every few months on-ground in Kuala Lumpur, titled “Knowledge of The Self and Fundamentals of Meditation. Be sure to follow Michael’s social media channels and website for more updates: FB: