Things I Wish I Had Known When I Began Meditating
Had I known these 5 things prior to starting my meditation journey, I’d have probably started it much earlier. However, I believe everything happens for a reason and you’re now fortunate to know these 5 things I wish I had known when I began meditating.

“Through meditation, one can cultivate the habit of removal of negative seeds and purify our mind thus leading to a lifetime of positivity and happiness.”
Had I known these 5 things prior to starting my meditation journey, I’d have probably started it much earlier. However, I believe everything happens for a reason and you’re now fortunate to know these 5 things I wish I had known when I began meditating.
1. Meditation is the doorway to discover life of higher potentials
Prior to meditating, I wasn’t aware of the benefits of meditation can be so vast as it eventually led me to discover my true self – thus leading me to live a life of higher potential.
For example, the potential to understand and being able to see through beyond life challenges and difficulties which help gaining insights to eliminate sufferings. Prior to this, I would often succumb to the stresses which often resulted in being angry, anxious and depression.
Secondly, meditation leads us to live a purposeful life – before I embarked on this journey, I limited my achievements in my work as I was conditioned by society to think in such a way. Then, my only focus was on the success of material wealth and career which eventually led to an imbalance of the inner world where I suffered from having the lack of love and understanding that led to arguments with loved ones and having to not live a sustainable happy life.
Thirdly, meditation has the potential to heal inner wounds and detox. Prior to meditation, I conduct physical vigorous exercise regularly thinking that it is the way to lead a healthy life. However, no matter how vigorous my physical exercise regime is, it doesn’t seem to help me significantly in body detoxification and weight loss. Through meditation, it helps me cleanse my inner mind of any negative thoughts and emotions, resulting in lightness of body and a positive mind.
Fourthly, the potential to receive and interpret information quantumly (intuition) leading to positive performance in career and relationships. Prior to meditation, I rely on my own conscious effort in studying and researching the valuation of a certain company before making a decision to invest, and more often than not, the doubt and fear also came haunting result in not able to profit from opportunities. After meditation, the ability to make fast and good decision have markedly improved leading to greater performance in my trading and investments.
Fifthly, discovering my life purpose and the Ikigai within. Truly, through deep meditation and contemplation, I was able to realize Who I Truly Am, thus leading me to serve Humanity through “iammichaelteh” and “The Essence of Life Workshop Series”.

2. Meditation is the tool to help eradicate sufferings
Our mind governs our life.
Our sufferings arise from the seed of negativities which are planted in our mind consciously or unconsciously. Prior to meditation, I was not able to realize and understand why we suffer, and led to belief that as Human Being, we are bound to suffer.
While that is true to a certain extent, through meditation, one can cultivate the habit of removal of negative seeds and purify our mind thus leading to a lifetime of positivity and happiness.
Having been meditating regularly for 4 years now, I find joy in all aspects of my life and cultivate the habit of being Present in every moment. By being in the Present Moment, I realize that there is indeed no Past, or Future- it is all in the now that gives rise to a life of positivity and happiness.
3. Meditation is not religious
Many have associated meditation as a religious practice. I was fortunate that I grew up with my parents and family who did have a religious belief and was not indoctrinated that meditation was a religious practice.
Growing up with an open mind and the desire to explore the unknown have helped me to reap the benefits of meditation and come to my self-realization with ease. Truly I wish to share to the world, meditation is a Universal practice, it is a tool one can use to cultivate loving kindness, and a way of life.

4. Meditation is all about developing mindfulness and concentration
After having to meditate on a regular basis, I realized that meditation is all about governing one’s mind of thoughts and emotions through mindfulness and concentration. While we live in an evolved and complex system of the Human Body, most of us do not understand the profundity nor have the ability to manage our own mind.
And as one cultivates mindfulness, one lead to the understanding that our mind governs our life and you have a choice to make a difference to your life. Through concentration and focus, leading one to breakthrough limitations, leading to life transformations.
5. Meditation is the tool to attain Success and Balance in Life
Prior to meditation, I thought that it can be time consuming and that I would better use the time used in meditation to something useful like reading and researching.
Little did I know, meditation has shifted my perception towards time, and I was able to enjoy success in all aspects of my life through cultivating the habit of meditation by realizing the true success and happiness is to cultivate Absolute Balance in all aspects your life. I have thus been able to spend more time consciously with my wife and children, have more time to do things that I enjoy and clearly leading to a positive mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Michael Teh, 11th April 2021.
Michael Teh is a meditation coach devoted to a personal mission of awakening more people to higher consciousness. He teaches self-realization through meditation, qigong, yoga and philosophy. Michael Teh Signature Workshop: The Essence of Life Series explores meditation as a powerful tool to realize our true potential. Michael has designed multiple workshops in this series to support his participants’ self-realization journey. Workshop Series 1 is currently running every few months on-ground in Kuala Lumpur, titled “Knowledge of The Self and Fundamentals of Meditation. Be sure to follow Michael’s social media channels and website for more updates: FB: